How to Write an Argumentative Essay
The subject matter, style and format of how to write an argumentative essay depend greatly on the topic. An argumentative essay can be written about virtually any subject, even if it is more controversial than a typical essay. Most colleges and universities expect written arguments to be both original and well-argued. Writing this type of essay may seem daunting but it is actually a simple process if you learn how to do it the right way. Here are some pointers on how to write an argumentative essay introduction.
It is easy to get caught up in how to write an argumentative essay, and all the technical details may get lost along the way. An argumentative essay usually consists of five parts: an introduction, an argument, evidence, and conclusion paragraph. However, an argumentative essay can also contain a thesis statement or a statement about the research presented. How to write a conclusion paragraph for an essay is very much the same as how to write an argumentative essay.
Part one of how to write an argumentative essay will address the importance of your argument and how to frame it in such a way that will be convincing to your readers. Your argument must be based on sound reasoning and facts, supported by references and citations that your readers can rely on. Your argument must make sense and it must be based on previous research that your readers are familiar with. When writing an argumentative essay, always start with the most general conclusion possible because you will then want to provide your readers with additional details.
The body of your argumentative essay should be composed of your thesis statement, your title, body paragraph and conclusion paragraph. The thesis statement is the main point of your entire essay, while the title and body paragraphs provide interesting background information to your argument. The body of your argument is the meat of your essay and is usually what convinces your readers to your side. Your title and body paragraph will need to be compelling enough to hold your readers’ attention until the end of the body paragraph.
The introduction is the section of your argumentative essay that will begin to engage your readers. You can use this section to explore your topic. However, you must make sure that you start this part of how to write an argumentative essay before you tackle the details of your argument. This is because your introduction will provide your readers with the motivation for why you are writing the essay and what you plan to achieve with it. Always start a paragraph or two early and always include footnotes to verify your facts.
The body of your argument is where you lay out the reasons why you hold both differing views of the topic. In most cases, you will have at least three different arguments in your essay that contradict one another. The reasoning behind your arguments will influence how the rest of your essay is structured. However, you will not need to include footnotes in this part of how to write an argumentative essay since these arguments already have footnotes in the body of the essay.
The conclusion is usually the strongest part of your argument. It presents your arguments in such a way that concludes with your thesis statement. It is also common for an argumentative essay to end with a plea to the reader to further their research. However, you should keep your conclusion short and to the point. Your conclusion should answer the question raised at the introduction and it should restate your thesis statement.
Your introduction is a critical component of your argumentative essay. You should carefully consider what you have to say in this section before you begin writing your main argument. Since the introduction is where you are arguing against something, you want to make sure that you do this in a way that will appeal to your reader.