An explanatory essay is very different from a research paper in many ways. Unlike a research paper, which is usually a written paper that attempts to present some research or argument in support of some particular point or topic, an explanatory essay is one that gives information directly to the reader without the help of words. In other words, it presents information in a simple and clear manner.

|how to write an explanatory essay

The usual format for an explanatory essay is a conventional five paragraph study. Generally, this consists of an introduction, a body paragraph (defined within the body of the text), a discussion of the main ideas covered by the body of the text, and finally, a conclusion. However, keep in mind that the explanatory essay does not have to be confined to five paragraphs alone. Instead of using the conventional format, you can use two or more shorter paragraphs that discuss the same topic in two or three different sentences. For example, if your research revolves around animal behavior in cats, you could write an introduction that includes the history of cat domestication, a definition of the word ‘cat’ and the details about how to train a kitten to use the litter box. After this, you could move on to a body paragraph that would contain information such as the history of cat use, the classification of animals by size and color, the characteristics and behavior of common domestic cats, and finally a discussion on how to train a cat to use the litter box.

Now, to make an explanatory essay outline, you must first decide what topics you will cover within your paper. Once you have decided on the topics that you want to write about, it is time to create an outline or a plan. Since your outline will serve as the blueprint that you will follow throughout your paper, it is important that you make sure that all your ideas are well-planned out and that they fit neatly into one another. Moreover, an outline can make your work easier since you will be able to review and revise your draft any time you need.

In your how to write an explanatory essay, you must also create a concluding statement. This statement serves as the conclusion or the finish of your work. Although you can just summarize everything in the introduction and in the body of your essay, a concluding statement will help to make your paper more interesting and meaningful to read. You can simply explain why you believe or what you think should be concluded in the concluding statement.

In addition, your how to write an explanatory essay topics must also be interesting and appealing to your reader. You may choose to create a survey on several social media sites or ask your readers to answer some questions on a post on a popular social media site. By doing so, you are giving them a direct opinion about the information that you are trying to convey through your article. Your reader will also get a great reason to click on your resource box, which will then drive them directly to your website.

However, although an academic paper outline can help you a lot in terms of organizing your ideas and in developing a good outline for your next draft, it is not necessary that you create one for every topic that you plan to write about. The outline is just a general framework that you can use to help you focus on each section of your paper in a better manner. It can, however, be quite helpful in starting out with your introduction and in revising your introduction after you have already written most of the content for the rest of the papers. In that way, you will be able to come up with a proper introduction and a properly working conclusion for your academic paper.